Carolina Jurado, Professor at the Buenos Aires University, and a research associate of the IberLAND project, visited Hannover between January 9th and 12th, 2024, with the financial support of the Programa de Promoción de la Ciencia de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en el exterior. There, she participated in IberLAND’s Fourth Research Colloquium, discussing Marlen Donají Palma Silva’s paper, “Conflictos por tierras: Los caciques contra ‘la comunidad’. El caso de la familia Lara”. Additionally, she presented her research at the Centre for Atlantic and Global Studies (CEAGS, Leibniz Universität Hannover), with the conference titled: “Distance and political communication: about the local reception and interpretation of royal provisions for land composition and sale of unclaimed lands in the Viceroyalty of Peru, 1591-1595″. She also participated in the Workshop “Todo lo que está por romperse: Jornadas para el estudio de las tierras incultas, baldíos, montes, vacantes y otras formas de uso y apropiación del espacio,” organized by Alina Rodríguez, with the presentation “Derechos en disputa: una exploración jurídica, normativa y posesoria de los pastos en el virreinato del Perú, 1532-1575”.

It was a pleasure for the team to receive her in Hannover. We learned from Carolina’s research and she enriched our discussions. We hope to continue to collaborate in the future.

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