Our colleague Tomás Catepillán, associated researcher of the IberLAND project, has obtained funding from the National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (Fondecyt, of the Chilean government), to carry out his research on the indigenous population of central Chile at the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso (2024-2028).

Padrón de los indios del pueblo de Lora (1801). Archivo Nacional Histórico de Chile, fondo Capitanía General, v.406, f.170v.

His project, entitled “Indians and indigenous people in historical Chile (1750-1850)”, studies the population identified as Indian during the colonial period, and its subsequent insertion and transformation in the republican context. The project seeks to understand indigenous identities through the social, political and economic relations that sustained them, and therefore hopes to contribute to a better comprehension of contemporary society.

Congratulations, Tomás!

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