Researchers of the IberLAND project participated in the XLIII Conference of the Portuguese Association for Economic and Social History, from 15 to 16 November 2024 in Lisbon (Portugal), organized by the Lisbon School of Economics and Managment (ISEG) – programme available here.
Roger Lee de Jesus organized a panel on “O governo do tempo: (re)leituras do passado e (re)interpretações de fontes sobre a terra (séculos XVI-XX)” (The Governance of Time: (Re)readings of the Past and (Re)interpretations of Sources on Land (16th-20th Centuries)), with the participation of Camilla de Freitas Macedo and Íñigo Ena Sanjuán.

This panel aimed to explore the (re)interpretation of sources related to the regulation of access, ownership, use, and exploitation of land through three case studies, focusing on Spain, Goa (India), and Brazil, from the 16th to the 19th century. It observed how interpretations of the sources varied according to the context, legitimizing changes or continuities, and how the agents viewed the historical context in which such texts were produced. The three cases demonstrate the importance of (re)reading sources for studying the transformation of land ownership regimes over the centuries.