IberLAND’s PI Manuel Bastias Saavedra participated in two panels at the Latin American Rural History Association’s (ALAHR) First Congress, which took place between June 24 and 26 in Mexico City.
With José-Miguel Lana Berasain (Universidad Pública de Navarra, Spain) he co-organized the panel “Construyendo jerarquías de derechos sobre la tierra. Títulos, servidumbres y obligaciones en América hispana y portuguesa (1500-1850)”, which was moderated by Rosa Congost (Universidad de Girona, Spain). The panel sought to illustrate the many ways in which different hierarchies of rights could be constructed within the casuistic logic of law in the early modern period.
He was also discussant in the panel “Tierra y territorios: usos, significados y normativas a través del tiempo”, organized by María Verónica Secreto (Universidad Federal Fluminense, Brazil) and Sarita Mota (Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal). The panel discussed the many conflicts over land after the 19th century, through the expansion of the state and private capital, and the challenges faced by indigenous and local communities. The discussion illustrated how many of these challenges exist until today.

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