
Journal Article

Camilla de Freitas Macedo

Contextualizando lo común: confrontando la historia de la gestión de comunales con el ODS 10 (reducción de las desigualdades)

Ixusko Ordeñana Gezuraga and Irune Suberbiola Garbizu (dir.); Sara Arruti Benito and Helene Colomo Iraola (coords) – Los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible y la innovación educativa en la enseñanza-aprendizaje del derecho, Madrid: Editorial Dykinson, 2025, pp. 605-613, https://doi.org/10.14679/3319

Repository Leibniz Universität Hannover: https://repo.uni-hannover.de/handle/123456789/18619

Journal Article

Camilla de Freitas Macedo

Posesión y propiedad en las disputas por jurisdicción (Aralar-Enirio, 1615-1735)

Relaciones. Estudios de Historia y Sociedad, vol. 46, N.º 181 (primavera de 2025), pp. 181-184, https://doi.org/10.24901/rehs.v46i181.1081

Repository Leibniz Universität Hannover: https://repo.uni-hannover.de/handle/123456789/18416

Journal Article

Manuel Bastias Saavedra, Camilla de Freitas Macedo

Beyond Property: Law and Land in the Iberian World (1510–1850). A Research Agenda

Globalgeschichte / Global History, Volume 2, Issue 2, 2024, https://doi.org/10.13173/GG.2.2.023

Repository Leibniz Universität Hannover: https://doi.org/10.15488/18266

Journal Article

Manuel Bastias Saavedra, Camilla de Freitas Macedo and Sarah Limão Papa

Entre História e Dogmática: Como Pensar a Articulação entre Terra e Direito?

Revista Direito Público, vol.21, n. 109, 9-22, jan/mar. 2024, https:/doi.org/10.11117/rdp.v21i109.7833

Repository Leibniz Universität Hannover: https://doi.org/10.15488/17342

Journal Article

Manuel Bastias Saavedra

¿Cómo Pensar La Tierra Y La Propiedad Más Allá De Las Dicotomías?: Palabras, Cuerpos Y Espíritus En El Mundo Ibérico (1500-1800)

Revista Direito Público, vol.21, n. 109, 23-52, jan/mar. 2024, https:/doi.org/10.11117/rdp.v21i109.7828

Repository Leibniz Universität Hannover: https://doi.org/10.15488/17334

Journal Article

Camilla de Freitas Macedo

O Processo e a Terra: Lutas Indígenas em Torno à Citação Judicial (Aldeia de São Pedro De Cabo Frio, 1838-1851)

Revista Direito Público, vol.21, n. 109, 204-236, jan/mar. 2024, https:/doi.org/10.11117/rdp.v21i109.7829

Repository Leibniz Universität Hannover: https://doi.org/10.15488/17335

Book chapter

Camilla de Freitas Macedo

Amojonar el Común. Conflictos en torno a la jurisdicción en la Sierra de Aralar-Enirio (siglo XVII)

José María Imízcoz Beunza, Javier Esteban Ochoa de Eribe and Andoni Artola Renedo (eds) – Los entramados políticos y sociales en la España moderna: del orden corporativo-jurisdiccional al estado liberal. Vitoria-Gasteiz / Madrid: Fundación Española de Historia Moderna, 2023, pp. 1327-1342, https://doi.org/10.13135/2280-8574/7895

Repository Leibniz Universität Hannover: https://doi.org/10.15488/17091

Journal article

Manuel Bastias Saavedra, Alina Rodríguez Sánchez

Nature, Bodies, and Land. Reframing Ownership and Property in Early Modern Spanish America

Journal of Interdisciplinary History of Ideas, 12 (2023), vol. 24, item 4, 1-29, https://doi.org/10.13135/2280-8574/7895

Repository Leibniz Universität Hannover: https://doi.org/10.15488/15961

Online publication

Camilla de Freitas Macedo

A brief legal history of «indigenous minority» (Brazil, 1758-1845)

legalhistoryinsights.com, 07.12.2022, https://doi.org/10.17176/20221207-145342-0

Edited volume

Edited by Manuel Bastias Saavedra

Ownership Regimes in the Iberian World (1500–1850) The Normative Role of Kinship and Community. Brill, 2025.

Available on Open Access: https://brill.com/display/title/71771

Special issue

Edited by Manuel Bastias Saavedra and Caroline Cunill

Ocupación, posesión y administración de la tierra en los mundos ibéricos: una mirada desde los actores

Relaciones. Estudios de Historia y Sociedad, vol. 46, N.º 181 (primavera de 2025), https://revistarelaciones.colmich.edu.mx/index.php/relaciones/issue/view/101

Special issue

Edited by Manuel Bastias Saavedra, Camilla de Freitas Macedo and Sarah Limão Papa

Terra e propriedade: o público e o privado na experiência jurídica brasileira da Colônia à República

Revista Direito Público, vol.21, n. 109, 9-22, jan/mar. 2024, https://www.portaldeperiodicos.idp.edu.br/direitopublico/issue/view/299

Paper presentation

Alina Rodríguez Sánchez

“The new hunters: changes in hunting praxis and the redrawing of rights and polities in the Mixtec area, 16th century”

Taller doctoral Tierra y usos de la tierra: convergencias entre la historia rural y la historia ambiental de la tierra, Leibnizhaus – Leibniz University Hannover, Germany


Paper presentation

Sarah Limão Papa

“Possessing Customs: The Normativity of Communal Uses of Nature in 18th-Century Portuguese America (Maranhão and Bahia)”

Taller doctoral Tierra y usos de la tierra: convergencias entre la historia rural y la historia ambiental de la tierra, Leibnizhaus – Leibniz University Hannover, Germany


Paper presentation

Sarah Limão Papa

“Immemorial Possession: Conflicts over Commons in 18th Century Portuguese America”

Doktorand*innenkonferenz Geschichte Lateinamerikas und der Karibik 2024, Leibnizhaus – Leibniz University Hannover, Germany


Paper presentation

Roger Lee de Jesus and Annette Schmiedchen

“Interpreting and Adapting in Colonial Context: a 14th-Century Copper-Plate Charter from Goa and its 16th-Century Portuguese Translation”

Language Registers and Communication Strategies as Reflected in Premodern South Asian Inscriptions, Institute for Asian and African Studies of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany


Paper presentation

Edson Edy S.C. de Brito

“Laços institucionais: vinculação e escravidão em Cabo Verde (sécs. XVI-XVIII)”

IberLAND Workshop Series – Vinculação e Herança: A Dinâmica dos Morgadios e Capelas em Novos Contextos Geográficos, Leibnizhaus – Leibniz University Hannover, Germany


Paper presentation

Camilla de Freitas Macedo

“A sesmaria de Arariboia no século XIX: o papel da Gazeta dos Tribunaes na reinterpretação dos documentos da aldeia de São Lourenço (Rio de Janeiro, 1830-1845)”

XLIII Annual Conference of the Portuguese Association for Economic and Social History, Lisbon School of Economics and Managment (ISEG), Lisbon, Portugal


Paper presentation

Roger Lee de Jesus

“«Hua doação que hum gentio rey della deu a hum pagode»: terra e comunidade em Goa no século XVI”

XLIII Annual Conference of the Portuguese Association for Economic and Social History, Lisbon School of Economics and Managment (ISEG), Lisbon, Portugal


Keynote lecture

Manuel Bastias Saavedra

“Frontier Law: Land, justice, and territory on the edge of the Pacific world (Valdivia, 1750-1860)”

Porque todo o lo más es nuevo en las Indias. Change and Variety on Colonial Law during the 18th Century, Law Faculty of the Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil


Paper presentation

Sarah Limão Papa

“Fathers who are Fathers: Catholic Priests as Landlords and Pater familias in 18th-Century”

2024 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Legal History, San Francisco, United States of America


Paper presentation

Roger Lee de Jesus

“«A privilege in the Language of the Land»: Perceptions and Understandings of Land Access in 16th-century Goa”

Rethinking Property: Decentralized Histories of Land Tenure (16th – 19th centuries), Faculty of Law, Messina – Sicily, Italy


Paper presentation

Alina Rodríguez Sánchez

“The “Conciertos” Between Pueblos de Indios in Sixteenth-century New Spain: Actors, Contexts and Strategies”

Rethinking Property: Decentralized Histories of Land Tenure (16th – 19th centuries), Faculty of Law, Messina – Sicily, Italy


Paper presentation

Camilla de Freitas Macedo

“The Concordia of 1663 and the Construction of a Memory fo rthe Mancomunidad de Aralar-Enirio (Gipuzkoa, Spain)”

Rethinking Property: Decentralized Histories of Land Tenure (16th – 19th centuries), Faculty of Law, Messina – Sicily, Italy


Paper presentation

Manuel Bastias Saavedra

“Subaltern Normativities. Custom, Rituals, and Tradition on the Chilean Frontier (Valdivia, 1750-1800)”

Rethinking Property: Decentralized Histories of Land Tenure (16th – 19th centuries), Faculty of Law, Messina – Sicily, Italy


Paper presentation

Edson Edy S.C. de Brito

“Morgadios and Capelas in Cape Verde: An Analysis of Institutional Adaptation in a Slave Society”

Rethinking Property: Decentralized Histories of Land Tenure (16th – 19th centuries), Faculty of Law, Messina – Sicily, Italy


Paper presentation

Sarah Limão Papa

“On Servitude of People and Land: Legal Customs, Land Rights, and Obligations in Portuguese America”

Rethinking Property: Decentralized Histories of Land Tenure (16th – 19th centuries), Faculty of Law, Messina – Sicily, Italy


Paper presentation

Alina Rodríguez Sánchez

“Categorías y normativas de la extracción de materiales en la Nueva España, 1550-1650”

XX Congreso de Asociación de Historiadores Latinoamericanistas Europeos, Universita di Napoli L’Orientale, Napoli, Italy



Roger Lee de Jesus

“The Villages of Goa and the Portuguese Empire. An historical approach (16th-17th centuries)”

The Old and the New Conquests of Goa (16th-18th centuries): new insights on Land and Law, Fundação Oriente, Goa – Panjim, India



Roger Lee de Jesus

“The Villages of Goa and the Portuguese Empire. An historical approach (16th-17th centuries)”

XCHR History Hour, Xavier Centre of Historical Research, Porvorim – Goa, India



Manuel Bastias Saavedra

“The IberLAND project: Goa in comparative perspective”

New Research Approaches on Land, Villages and Communidades in Goa (16th-18th centuries), Fundação Oriente, Panjim – Goa, India


Paper presentation

Roger Lee de Jesus

“Rethinking Land Ownership in the Portuguese Empire: the case of the villages of Goa”

13th International Convention of Asia Scholars: Crossways of Knowledge, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), Surabaya, Indonesia


Paper presentation

Manuel Bastias Saavedra

“Land and Law in Spanish Colonial Philippines: A Legal-Historical Perspective”

13th International Convention of Asia Scholars: Crossways of Knowledge, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), Surabaya, Indonesia


Paper presentation

Alina Rodríguez Sánchez

“El monte, el baldío y el lindero: usos, categorías y normatividades en las disputas por el acceso a la tierra inculta en la Nueva España, 1550-1620”

Taller doctoral del XXIII Festival de Música Renascentista y Barroca, Vélez Blanco, Spain


Paper presentation

Sarah Limão Papa

“On Servitude of People and Land: Land Rights and Obligations in Portuguese America (17th – 18th century)”

46th International Wolfenbüttel Summer Course, Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel Germany


Paper presentation

Manuel Bastias Saavedra

“Beyond Property. Law and Land in the Iberian World (1500-1850)”

La vinculación en el Atlántico ibérico: nuevas líneas de investigación, Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain


Paper presentation

Edson Edy Correia de Brito

“Entre obrigações e transgressões: Instituidores e instituições vinculares em Cabo Verde (séc. XVI a XVIII)”

La vinculación en el Atlántico ibérico: nuevas líneas de investigación, Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain


Paper presentation

Alina Rodríguez Sánchez

“El monte: materiales, reorganización espacial y derechos sobre la tierra en la segunda mitad del siglo XVI, Nueva España”

IberLAND Workshop Series – Todo lo que está por romperse: Jornadas para el estudio de las tierras incultas, baldíos, montes, vacantes y otras formas de uso y apropiación del espacio, Leibnizhaus – Leibniz University Hannover, Germany



Camilla de Freitas Macedo

“Matters of jurisdiction over commons in the north of Spain between the 17th and 18th centuries”

Colloquium for History of Latin America and the Iberian World, Leibniz University Hannover, Historisches Seminar, Germany



Sarah Limão Papa

“Conflicts over land right in Portuguese America”

Colloquium for History of Latin America and the Iberian World, Leibniz University Hannover, Historisches Seminar, Germany


Paper presentation

Alina Rodríguez Sánchez

“«Never before sowed, plowed or cultivated»: Connections between land uses and possession in early modern Spanish America”

Rural History 2023 – European Rural History Organisation International Conference, Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Paper presentation

Manuel Bastias Saavedra

“Beyond Private and Common. Ownership Regimes in the Iberian World (1500-1850)”

Rural History 2023 – European Rural History Organisation International Conference, Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Paper presentation

Roger Lee de Jesus

“Da ilha de Goa às Terras Firmes – a territorialização do Estado da Índia no séc. XVI”

IV International Congress Soberania Alimentar: Dinâmicas de produção e abastecimento na longa duração – XI Encontro Rural RePort and XVIII Congreso de Historia Agraria – SEHA, Coimbra, Portugal


Paper presentation

Edson Edy Correia de Brito

“Secas e fome em Cabo Verde: avaliando o impacto sobre o regime de propriedade da terra e vice-versa (Sec. XVII e XVIII)”

IV International Congress Soberania Alimentar: Dinâmicas de produção e abastecimento na longa duração – XI Encontro Rural RePort and XVIII Congreso de Historia Agraria – SEHA, Coimbra, Portugal


Paper presentation

Sarah Limão Papa

“Entre o Povo e o Sacerdote: um caso de expropriação de terras para o «bem comum» na América Portuguesa do século XVIII?”

IV International Congress Soberania Alimentar: Dinâmicas de produção e abastecimento na longa duração – XI Encontro Rural RePort and XVIII Congreso de Historia Agraria – SEHA, Coimbra, Portugal


Paper presentation

Camilla de Freitas Macedo

“Tierras y jurisdicción especial: la eliminación de los foros privilegiados y la tutela de los bienes de los indios en los inicios del constitucionalismo brasileño”

IV International Congress Soberania Alimentar: Dinâmicas de produção e abastecimento na longa duração – XI Encontro Rural RePort and XVIII Congreso de Historia Agraria – SEHA, Coimbra, Portugal


Project presentation

Manuel Bastias Saavedra, Camilla de Freitas Macedo, Roger Lee de Jesus, Sarah Limão Papa, Edson Edy Correia de Brito

“IberLAND. Beyond Property: Law and Land in the Iberian World (1510-1850)”

Center for the History of Society and Cultura of the University of Coimbra, Portugal



Roger Lee de Jesus

“The territorialization of the Portuguese Empire in Asia: the case of Goa (16 th century)”

Fundação Oriente, Goa, India


Paper presentation

Camilla de Freitas Macedo

“Entre jurisdiçao especial e tutela administrativa: indígenas e ingleses frente à eliminaçao dos foros privilegiados no Império brasileiro”

32.º Simpósio Nacional de História: ANPHU, Maranhão, Brazil


Paper presentation

Camilla de Freitas Macedo

“Amojonar el común. Conflictos en torno a la jurisdicción en la sierra de Aralar-Enirio (siglo XVII)”

17ª Reunión Científica de la Fundación Española de Historia Moderna, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain


Paper presentation

Roger Lee de Jesus

“A territorialização do Estado da Índia: o caso de Goa (1510-1560)”

XLII Annual Meeting of the APHES – Associação Portuguesa de História Económica e Social: Labour and social norms, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, Portugal



Edson Edy Correia de Brito

“Morgadios and Capelas in Cabe Vert: The impact of those institution on a slave society and vice-versa”

Colloquium for History of Latin America and the Iberian World, Leibniz University Hannover, Historisches Seminar, Germany


Paper presentation

Camilla de Freitas Macedo

“Entre jurisdicción y tierras: conflictos entre villazgo y aprovechamiento de bienes comunes en la sierra de Aralar (siglo XVII)”

Tradición foral y cambio constitucional: los territorios Vascos en contexto. Homenaje a Jon Arrieta, Facultad de Derecho. Campus de Bizkaia y de Gipuzkoa Universidad del País Vasco/ Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Spain



Alina Rodríguez Sánchez

Claiming unoccupied land. The uses of ‘baldíos,’ ‘realengas,’ and ‘montes’ in land access and resource extraction conflicts in the Mixtec area of the viceroyalty of New Spain, 1550-1620

Colloquium for History of Latin America and the Iberian World, Leibniz University Hannover, Historisches Seminar, Germany



Roger Lee de Jesus

“Portuguese Territorialization in Asia: the case of Goa”

Colloquium for History of Latin America and the Iberian World, Leibniz University Hannover, Historisches Seminar, Germany


Paper presentation

Sarah Limão Papa

“Between the People and the Priest: public and private dominium in the Village of Camamu”

Natural Law and Domestic Government, Irish College, KU Leuven, Belgium


Paper presentation

Alina Rodríguez Sánchez

“Aguas, montes y pastos: derechos sobre la tierra y conflictos por el acceso a los recursos en la Mixteca, Nueva España, 1550-1620”

Tagung der Doktorand: innen Geschichte Lateinamerikas, Lateinamerika-Institut Freie Universität Berlin, Germany



Manuel Bastias Saavedra

“Más allá de lo privado y lo común. Derecho y tierra en el mundo ibérico”

Webinarios do IHT, Instituto de História, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil, online on YouTube.



Manuel Bastias Saavedra

“Beyond Private and Common. Ownership Regimes in the Iberian World (1500-1850)”

Faculdade de Direito, Universidade de Brasília, Brazil



Manuel Bastias Saavedra

“Más allá de lo privado y lo común. Derecho y tierra en el mundo ibérico”

Faculdade de Direito, Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Book presentation

Manuel Bastias Saavedra

Ana Pulido Rull – Mapping Indigenous Land. Native Land Grants in Colonial New Spain. University of Oklahoma Press, 2020

Journées d’études Ocupación, posesión y administración de la tierra en los mundos ibéricos: una perspectiva desde los actores, EHESS, Paris, France


Paper presentation

Sarah Limão Papa

“Between the People and the Priest: a case of expropriation of land for the ‘common good’ in eighteenth-century Portuguese America?”

Journées d’études Ocupación, posesión y administración de la tierra en los mundos ibéricos: una perspectiva desde los actores, EHESS, Paris, France


Paper presentation

Camilla de Freitas Macedo

“Amojonar el común. Conflictos en torno al amojonamiento en el espacio de la mancomunidad Aralar-Enirio (siglos XVII-XVIII)”

Journées d’études Ocupación, posesión y administración de la tierra en los mundos ibéricos: una perspectiva desde los actores, EHESS, Paris, France


Paper presentation

Edson Edy Correia de Brito

“The institution of the vínculos in the tropics : between the doctrine and local alterity”

Journées d’études Ocupación, posesión y administración de la tierra en los mundos ibéricos: una perspectiva desde los actores, EHESS, Paris, France


Paper presentation

Alina Rodríguez Sánchez

¿De quién son los montes y las aguas? Dinámicas y conflictos por el acceso a los recursos de la tierra en la Mixteca, Nueva España (1550-1620)

Journées d’études Ocupación, posesión y administración de la tierra en los mundos ibéricos: una perspectiva desde los actores, EHESS, Paris, France


Paper presentation

Roger Lee de Jesus

“O Estado da Índia: Um Império sem Terra? O Caso da Territorialização de Goa”

Conferências da Primavera: Ásia, Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau, Lisbon, Portugal


Paper presentation

Sarah Limão Papa

“Tantos domínios quanto pessoas e usos: conflitos por direitos à terra na América Portuguesa”

IX Congresso Latino-Americano de Historia do Direito e XII Congresso Brasileiro de História do Direito, Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil



Manuel Bastias Saavedra

“Norms and Communities. How to think of legal innovation in the Early Modern Iberian World”, Panel: “New and Old Norms: Forging and Inscribing Communities across the Atlantic World”.

American Historical Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA



Manuel Bastias Saavedra

“Decentering the History of Property: Law and Land in the Iberian World (1510-1850)”

Law and Humanities Seminar Series, Peking University School of Transnational Law, Chine, via Zoom


Paper presentation

Alina Rodríguez Sánchez

“Who Owns the Trees and Stones? Mediating Conflicts over Resources in the Mixtec Region in Sixteenth Century New Spain”

The Dynamics of Early Modern Colonial Law and Legal Literature, Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki, Finland


Paper presentation

Sarah Limão Papa

“As many dominia as people and uses: conflicts over land rights in 18th century Portuguese America”

The Dynamics of Early Modern Colonial Law and Legal Literature, Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki, Finland


Chair and discussant

Sarah Limão Papa

“Uma introdução à história do direito comum do Medievo à Idade Moderna”

Reunião do Núcleo de Estudos sobre o Direito na América Portuguesa, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil, via Zoom



Manuel Bastias Saavedra

“Words, Bodies, Spirits. Ownership Regimes in the Iberian World (1500-1850)”

Ownership Regimes in the Iberian World, Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, Frankfurt am Main, Germany


Paper presentation

Camilla de Freitas Macedo

“Terras e jurisdição especial: a eliminação dos foros privilegiados e a tutela dos bens dos índios nos inícios do constitucionalismo brasileiro”

Congresso Internacional Independências do Brasil, Brazil, online



Camilla de Freitas Macedo

“Warded freedom, meager property. Indians and Land in the Law of the Brazilian Empire (19th century)”

Glocalizing Normativities Research Colloquium, Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, Frankfurt Am Main, Germany



Manuel Bastias Saavedra

“Descentrando la historia de la propiedad: historia global, historia del derecho e historias locales”

Seminar História do Direito em perspectiva global, Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil


Paper presentation

Alina Rodríguez Sánchez

“El monte, el baldío y el lindero: usos, categorías y normatividades en las disputas por el acceso a la tierra inculta en la Nueva España, 1550-1620”

Taller doctoral del XXIII Festival de Música Renascentista y Barroca, Vélez Blanco, Spain


The IberLAND project team is working on a comprehensive bibliography, regarding ownership rights in the Iberian Empires. It will be soon freely available to download.

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